In the heart of the Sherwood Forest, where once as legend has it Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men roamed freely, lies this picturesque and humble village of Farnsfield. For such a setting special events are most assuredly a must. And where special events are a must, so too is the fine dining experience of Hog Roast Farnsfield – your number one caterer in Nottinghamshire!
Hog Roast Farnsfield are specialists in finely made fresh roasted meats and foods with a stylish means of cooking and serving them direct to your event. The hog roast of our name is a dish dating back centuries to even the days of Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham, and we’re sure this pork beauty would have been a fine favourite of the likes these local legends. With a traditional and stylish slow cook, the Hog Roast Farnsfield hog roast is a must have for every event as it brings a touch of ingenuity, unique style, and spectacle to the day along with grand tastes!
Our catering services are the best there is, so do not hesitate to call us for any occasion – weddings, corporate functions, birthday’s, dinner parties, community celebrations, Hog Roast Farnsfield will always work flexible to your needs and budget so you can just focus on our great food without the sweat of a lengthy bill. Hog Roast Farnsfield is all about quality at every step – between our incredibly friendly expert team of chefs and caterers, and our fine selection of the highest quality meats sourced locally you won’t find any better than Hog Roast Farnsfield.
Fine Food for Farnsfield
At Hog Roast Farnsfield we all have you need to turn an event into a truly special occasion. With a wide array of foods perfectly suited to certain occasions, and a variety of service packages to meet the needs of all types of events there is nothing Hog Roast Farnsfield cannot do for you. From our speciality hog roast, to other meats, vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free picks of canapés, sides, salads, and more you’ll find all you need with us.
So why wait? Hog Roast Farnsfield are available for hire today so get calling and start planning your next event!